Monday, September 21, 2020

SFL Archives Vol 11 readthrough update 06

 54% completion, 152 bookmarks

-1986 TUCKER AWARDS email clarification comes out. 3 awards: 1 each for SF Professional (writer, editor, or dealer), SF Artist, and SF Fan. 4 people are nominated for each award. VOTING DEADLINE IS 1 NOVEMBER 1986

(2020 note: The 1986 Tucker Award looks to be rigged Hugo Award and Nebula Award style. Surely the 2 people nominated with the last name of Tucker [sarcasm]are there by random chance and not nepotism[/sarcasm]) 

-20th Century Fox is in talks with Paramount Studios to develop and create a new STAR TREK tv-series. SFLer reactions to this news-leak range from excited to doubtful and then to extremely angry. The extremely angry SFlers use the STAR TREK 1 & STAR TREK 3 movies as examples of new Star Trek characters being introduced just to kill them off 40 minutes later.

-Besides (*wink* possibly *wink*) working on a new STAR TREK tv-series, in 1986 ..."20th Century Fox appears to be trying to start a 4th nationwide TV Network. (Ted Turner is too apparently)" . 

-The many SciFi & Fantasy writers that post on the SF-LOVERS mailing list are trying to get a informal writers group going to exchange and critique SF&F stories. Robert J Sawyer chooses to self-doxx himself  2nding the informal writers group idea, and then doxxes a few other incognito SF-LOVERS SF&F writers just for the hell of it.

-Tolkienian debate continues. This time elf reincarnation vs what orcs, dwarves and humans get when they die. More Maiar debates. What happened to Saruman and Sauron after their "deaths" in Return of the King. One of the bigger Tolkenian lore arguers obviously read "death of the author" and now thinks they are deploying secret unbeatable arguments from it to support their hyper-stupid "JRR Tolkien merely translated LotR and is not the original source of it, therefore everything I say re: Tolkienian lore makes sense".

-Lloyd Biggle Jr's SILENCE IS DEADLY, originally mentioned back in SFL Archives Vol 03 or Vol 04 comes up again. 

(2020 note: Repeating this almost verbatim from my 1981 SFL recaps...One of the low-notes of the SFL Archives readthrough was the nasty reaction back in 1981 when deaf SciFi fans made pleas for finding "deaf-friendly fiction" and help tracking down transcriptions of the HitchHiker Guide to the Galaxy BBC Radio broadcasts

Hearing disabled Scifi stories were rare as hell in the 1980's, and probably remain rare as hell now-ish. 2020 people: Please, please disprove me on this. I want to be wrong.)

I, MARTHA ADAMS by Pauline Glen Winslow. "America has become complacent & surrenders to the Russians after they destroy certain military bases.  One woman fights back.  This book has good ingredients for a movie - pyrotechnics, politics, bad guys beating upon good guys, suspense, and sex.  Oh, yes, let us not forget a strong female lead". 

(2020 note: I have no idea. It sounds terrible in a uniquely libertarian feminist survivalist way.)

-Steve Perry's Matador trilogy (THE MAN WHO NEVER MISSED, MATADORA, THE MACHIAVELLI INTERFACE) comes up, and it is a "martial artist revolutionary takes on an evil empire" space opera mish-mash. 

-GENERAL TECHNICS, "the organization for science fiction fans with an interest in do-it-yourself technology, will be held Friday morning, 29 August 1986, at 10 AM, Constellation in Atlanta." 

-ALIENS 1986 movie chat kicks off big-time. A few SFLers are fascinated by the life-cycle of the Alien xenomorphs, others nitpick the travel time of the USS Sulaco (the SpaceMarines spaceship) vs Ripley's drifting lifepod, which of the survivors possibly got impregnated with Alien zygotes, and how did Ripley not get blown out of the airlock/close that airlock near the end of Aliens 1986, etc.

-Someone asks for erotic SF favorites, and Hank Buurman, the SFLer who doesn't believe in privacy for others, fervently recommends John Varley's Millenium and Titan series for the weird erotic sex scenes in them.

-Gene Wolfe at the 1986 ARCHON SFCon tells people the 5th BotNS book is almost ready, the effort Wolfe puts into finding the right word to evoke the nuances he wants, and that there is two mistakes he knows of in the first 4 BotNS volumes; a proofreader missing a typo resulting in <Artello> instead of <Martello> and one obscure mistake Gene Wolfe doubts anyone else will find.

-Chesley Bonestell, a longtime SciFi cover artist dies in 1986 and a SFL writes a mini-memorial about their work in Scifi and as a normal special effects artist working on movies like CITIZEN KANE and DESTINATION MOON.

 -Chris Foss's science fiction artwork gets mentioned. Besides Foss's better known work painting spaceship cover art, 1986 SFLers think it's amusing that Chris Foss did the artwork for the Joy of Sex.

-SFLer WorldCon parties get mentioned, with  '@!%'  on posters/signs being the secret code SFLers used to self-identify themselves to people in the know. Worldcon SFLer parties have come up before, because I distinctly remember a "Would whoever grabbed the cables I used to hookup the portable computer-terminal at last week's Worldcon, please return them to me" happening at least once.

-SFLer confusion over what SILENT RUNNING other SFLer's keep referencing. Are they referring to the Mike & the Mechanics song "Silent Running"?  Or are they referencing the 1977 movie Silent Running? Or are people conflating the two? (2020 note: Yes. Yes. And Yes.)

-Laserdisc's being bleeding edge technology circa 1986. 

-SFLer Craig Wheeler cuts the bull and directly promotes his upcoming novel THE KRONE EXPERIMENT, due out October 1986.

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